Who subscribes, Prof. Nelson Mendez of Caracas,
Venezuela, has received information that makes me arrive from Oaxaca,
Mexico. With all attention I go to you to express my
preoccupation to him by the recurrence whereupon the human rights of
the members of CIPO- RFM are violated. But when in recent date I
have found out the attack of strongly armed paramilitary groups that
attacked to shots the indigenous community called "the Lagunilla" that
is located to 37 kilometros of Santa Catarina Yosonotu pertaining to
the Tlaxico district, and that gave like result of so cowardly
aggression the death of the C. Eusebio Aparicio Garcia and the gravity
of health of the C. Juan Aparicio Mendo za. By the previous
thing I ask for to you governor of Oaxaca Jose Murat Casab takes the
pertinent measures to avoid that the human rights and ademas are
violated to guarantee La Paz in the territory in conflict, because to
occur something in the physical or moral person of some of the members
of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flores Magon by
fact your government and you would seran the responsible unicos.
Prof. Nelson Mendez; catedratico of the Central
University of Venezuela
C/c. to the ONG´s of Human rights in the
State of Oaxaca, for its knowledge and intervention.