Vicky Donates-.Ahhhh, that Palemon, as it is happened to him to want to load eggs in the head, - albureaba always said to the night of his velorio one of its friends of bar that.- I am not satisfied to which took between the legs - respondio other that always acompano to the deceased in fechorias of women. Thought Palemon tapeworm not to let to two daughters and three children go away to the sky. The car in which it traveled, leaving completes curve before arriving at the town from Teposcolula volco, and a wood box that tapeworm three thousand five hundred eleven eggs of guajolota him destruction the craneo. Between the ninas that remained she was one that was called Refuge but almost all they conocian it as Virginia and for that reason always said Vicky to him; although their mother and her brothers shouted all the life to him: -.Virginaaa. Refuge was greater of the five brothers of a same father, because Since although siguio being the greater one, was it of seven, because its pario breast two sisters but of another husband. Desempeno activities of one mother marimba of muchitos. Of husband of its mother, ill by the blows of the life and the accident that I leave widow it and to its huerfanos children. To her they cleared its christian name to him from the first years and, without never one knew because, they began to him to call Virginia. The school perdio time Since of the name, before finishing the sixth year of primary; everything by the lawsuit between its obligations to the eleven years: to walk in the sale of chili peppers, tomatos and onions; to go well in the reading and to take care of its brothers, who tenian puta flows to give much war. Mondays, when Refuge already was Virginia and it did not go to Chicahuaxtla, moored next to the door of their braided wood house, to the skinny one of their brother, who since then was but mulita - decia. Soon corria, without combing the hair, to the school. It marched by all the border rio, fast, without the smaller opportunity of being able to enjoy the scent ocotes or the one the languages cow, and less to savor the aroma dulzon of capulines. It never reached the time to him to enjoy the freshness rocio, that caia of ahuehuetes with the push of the wind and escurria by its naked arms, wetting his spent and dirty mandil. Since of a acompanada route of the gorjeo of the petirrojos and the murmur of the water slipping between stones, nothing represented for her who the teacher returned to him to hurt, senalando it like piojosa and grenuda India. Virginia, to that the few friendships that it had in the school began to him to say Vicky, knew of hatred and the scorn by the shouts that stuck in all the body their companeros and companeras to him; the blows that always recibio of White the Yolanda teacher, because this, did not accept that a nina as Vicky could pass all the tests. - Surely some copy occurs, es so manosa! But mainly, Vicky aprendio the pain in its house. Because to each return of the school with potbellied books of histories mother countries, the full soul of illusions next to its body and heart mallugados by the offenses of the day: it watched at his undernourished moored brother sleeping the door: with the face, full the poop hands and all body. Its cheeks with marks of to have cried, furrows by where so many tears crawled that called it and never reached to see it. For that reason I leave the school, because one always forgot books when it watched asi to his brothers. And although it cleaned them with water and the carino of sister, vision did not take off to him. Although Vicky I dedicate myself to work like donkey, it always had problems to give to food and education to the muchitos, mainly to that skinny one that it never took another thing that not outside milk and that jamas managed to enganar so that it took cafe; although they said to him, she and its padrino of baptism: -.Bebe son, it is black milk, we ordered a dark average cow. Spent the time, Vicky I gain the respect of own and extranos. Volvio woman very understood: candy with its brothers and brave with cabrones. It is certain, jamas study profession some, but she always said: - If the life is l'unica that it embosoms to us to being parents, the esperencia is the niversidad that titles to us. Vicky had of obsession I sound, that him metio in the head from the day that no longer went to the school. - Ónque is one of my children sera masterful. Already as an older person, Vicky vivio of the candy sale in a school where it took care of to all pequenines, so that ningun masterful badly watched and less it cut his wings with which they habrian to fly the life. Tapeworm never worked amount but money. The gain of all the days, went away in FIAR sweet to ninos that left to the smile and the promise empenada: - Soon we paid to him Vicky Donates. Day that single it had left a son, Trompudo, in school "Ricardo Flowers Magon" where del Comite was president de Padres of Family, ninos of two turns of primary, parents of family and teachers requested him that something followed of in institution, because all assured that Vicky Donates, although walked by the world without studies: who knows as towards but always she helped him to solve problems. It was watched to him shouting until with the hands in the assemblies of teachers, to demand ensenanza better to them and less lack. Vicky Donates walked with his regordeta figure in the tequios and the manifestations. It organized the celebrations mother countries, those of the day of the nino, the teacher and until the one of the mothers, who did not have. And I never let demand the drunk and desobligados parents: - P' that leaves the pedera and takes care of a little their muchitos - it expressed when they protested that it put where did not matter to him. Many got used to seeing Vicky Donates demanding, to civil employees and authorities of several dependencies, furniture, books, blackboards and etcetera for the school; to go and to come to be called on with impatience the offices to fight in all: scholarships, breakfasts, medico service and demas for its ninos. Quiza for that reason festejaban the 15 of May like a no: the ninos robbed the flowers of the scholastic garden and they #***aed-refl mng its prank along with; the teachers cooperated to entertain it and all the breasts gave a hug him. That day Vicky Donates cried and pardoned in its interior to all its companeros that offended it, to the misfortune that I leave huerfana it and its teacher who corrio of the sixth year of primary and the life. It remembers with sadness the years when nonwise that were called Refuge and that the Virgina, as they shouted to him, tapeworm lice and a marana of hair. Soon, while bebia the salt of its fat tears, with the inflamed chest of proud force and energia explained to the ninos: - While it lives, by very inditos that we are, ningun masterful treated them bad and nobody left the school. Murio makes some years one of the sisters and my grandmother. Six brothers without mother were with Vicky Donates. Now that I tell all this history you, daughter mia, I wait for you include/understand, because once in a while he gives me by gritarte: -.Virginaaaaa! Or decirte playing, as he often said your tio to him Jose to your grandmother: - Refuge Caves Hiding place. Although now that is the date of the death of your grandmother and I request to you, you go to the tribute that year with year profesionistas organize, ex- students of the school that platico you, your you insist: - Pope, I go if it understands that I am not Refuge nor Virgina and you call Virginia or Vicky simply to me |