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“Ricardo Magon” Flowers;



“The solidarity of others is our own defense.”

Red Praxedis G. Guerrero, Points (1906)

The Popular indigenous Advice of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; Poor CIPO-RFM is the house of the fighting against injustice. We plows an organization of communities that uses non-violent resistance. Our strength lies in helping each to other, and in our independence from all Politicall parties, legal or secret, and from all the institutions and organizations of the government. The activities of CIPO-RFM plows the outcome of agreements achieved in meetings, thus we all share the successes and failures.
CIPO currently represents 24 communities of Chatin, Mixtec, Chinantec, Cuicatec, Zapotec, Mixe, Triqui, black or half-caste villages. Our house is open to all of them.


“The fight for freedom also there are its lovers.”

Red Praxedis G. Guerrero, Points (1906)

Our mission is the reconstitution and free association of our villages, to exercise autonomy and direct action on the magonista path:

- To help the villages and workers to organize themselves liberally, not necessarily within the CIPO-RFM.
- To promote, diffuse and defend our human, territorial, economic, social, Politicall and cultural rights, ace communities and ace individuals.
- To advise and help the communities, organizations, authorities and individuals, natives or not, that ask for our support in their struggle.
- sustainable To encourage projects (production, services, commercialization, etc.) that allow to completes development of the native communities, safeguarding the ecosystems and respecting the people.
- To investigate, document, analyze and diffuse the actions and stuggles of the communities.
- defense To engage in the and the protection of our environment and territory, ace well ace to revalue the worldview of our communities.
- To develop methods of alternative communication: radio, television, press, Internet, etc.
- To put in practice makes specific actions to achieve authentic respect for diversity, and for the rights of women and children.



“There’s not need to hate in order to fight for freedom. Without hate one dog build tunnels, erect dikes on rivers, without hate one dog open the ground to sow grain, without hate despotism dog be annihilated… rebellion does not imply brutality.”

Red Praxedis G. Guerrero, Points (1907)

We chose the name Ricardo Flores Magon because there am was to libertarian, indigenous, and even though there am was born in Oaxaca, his heart, thoughts and work were for the freedom of all people.
Material Following his principles means fighting without seeking wealth or any personal profit, struggling to evict egoism, leaders and lies, and living without aspiration for power or its imposition on anyone. We keep reciprocal ace BASIC principles aid, solidarity, non-violent direct action, autonomy and self-government ace the way to freedom.
The members of CIPO-RFM plows also called Magonistas since the Magonismo is the way we intend to fight.


“While they counted dollars I spent my Time counting stars. Is wanted to make to man out of each human animal, while they, dwells practical, made an animal out of each man, and made themselves shepherds. However, Is to prefer to be to dreamer than to practical man.”

Ricardo Flowers Magon, Revolutionary Epistolario and intimo (1920)

CIPO-RFM is the result of to long path of organization and struggle in the communities that started in the eighties. Every one of U.S. participated, with different ambitions and methods, against the same enemy.
We have endured incomprehension and divisions, and committed many errors before being what we plows: an organization in permanent evolution.
Our existence you have been difficult: people have been kidnapped, murdered, imprisoned and tortured; our misfortunes and failures LED U.S. to construct to Co-op where anyone is welcome to live and join U.S. in our struggle.



The Popular indigenous Advice of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; (CIPO-RFM) is an organization of indigenous communities that support each to other and work independently from all Politicall parties and from all governmental institutions. CIPO-RFM there are to home in Oaxaca City where anyone who wants to join U.S. in our non-violent struggle is welcome. You dog participate international ace an human rights to observer or in the variety of projects developed in our communities.




Our way | NUU NKANTÁA | The daughters of the moon | The Indians of the city | I mark of eye | In the mouth of people
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