SectionPage in English TranslationLivres de PocheMartinus Nijoff
  1. Chapter I. Essence and Disinterest
    1. Being's "Other"3133
    2. Being and Interest4154
    3. The Said and he Saying5166
    4. Subjectivity8209
    5. Responsibility for the Other92210
    6. Essence and Signification112513
    7. Sensibility143017
    8. Being and Beyond Being153219
    9. Subjectivity is not a Modality of Essence173320
    10. The Itinerary193723
  2. Chapter II. Intentionality and Sensing234329
    1. Questioning and Allegiance to the Other234329
    2. Questioning and Being: Time and Reminiscence264533
    3. Time and Discourse315539
      1. Sensuous Lived Experience315539
      2. Language346043
      3. The Said and the Saying376447
      4. The Amphibology of Being and Entities386749
      5. The Reduction437556
    4. Saying and Subjectivity457858
      1. The Saying without the Said457858
      2. Saying as Exposure to Another488161
      3. Despite Oneself518665
      4. Patience, Corporeality, Sensibility539068
      5. The One569472
      6. Subjectivity and Humanity579674
  3. Chapter III. Sensibility and Proximity6110077
    1. Sensiblity and Cognition6110077
    2. Sensibility and Signification6510581
    3. Sensiblity and Psyche6811186
    4. Enjoyment7211691
    5. Vulnerability and Contact7512094
    6. Proximity81129102
      1. Proximity and Space81129102
      2. Proximity and Subjectivity83132104
      3. Proximity and Obsession86137108
      4. Phenomenon and Face89143113
      5. Proximity and Infinity93148118
      6. Signification and Existence94151120
  4. Chapter IV. Substitution99156125
    1. Principle and Anarchy99156125
    2. Recurrence102162130
    3. The Self109173139
    4. Substitution113179144
    5. Communication118188151
    6. "Finite Freedom"121194156
  5. Chapter V. Subjectivity and Infinity206167
    1. Signification and the Objective Relation131206167
      1. The Subject Absorbed by Being131206167
      2. The Subject at the Service of the System132208168
      3. The Subject as a Speaking that is Absorbed in the Said134211171
      4. The Responsible Subject that is not Absorbed in Being135212172
      5. The One-for-the-Other is not a Commitment136214174
    2. The Glory of the Infinite140220179
      1. Inspiration140220179
      2. Inspiration and Witness142223181
      3. Sincerity and the Glory of the Infinite144225183
      4. Witness and Language145228185
      5. Witness and Prophecy149233190
    3. From Saying to the Said, or the Wisdom of Desire153239195
    4. Sense and the There Is162253207
    5. Skepticism and Reason165256210
  6. Chapter VI. Outside175219