
1x Blythe Candelaria
3x Dedefra
1x Dr. John Casey
1x Khalil Anvari
2x Lalitha
1x Nepata
1x Patrizia Giovanni, Collector of Secrets
1x Roreca Quaid
1x Sarah Cobbler

Average: 3.58, Worst: 20, Best: 9

Deck: Black Magic

Creator: Mark Shanewood

Concept: tha/ser/nec

Practicality: Vaguely

Tested: yup!

Shock value: Definite. Patrizia...useful?

Comments: It's essentially a Corruption deck crossed with a Cryptic Mission deck, but with a few twists. For best results, everybody should be a Follower of Set as much as possible (via Impersonations), with the possible exception of Patrizia, who can employ Charnas from the ash heap if she's a Tremere. Yes, Patrizia is actually useful in this deck. Decent pool gain and Embraces, plus theft of minions should allow you lots of actions per turn. I had 9 minions at the end of the last game I played this in. Hand jam may be a problem, so don't be afraid to discard, use Dreams, etc.


Masters (19):
1x Deal with the Devil
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Effective Management
1x Grand Temple of Set
2x Opium Den
1x Parthenon, The
1x Protracted Investment
3x Serpentis
1x Short-Term Investment
3x Society of Leopold
1x Temple Hunting Ground
1x Thaumaturgy
2x Tribute to the Master

Action (38):
1x Atonement
3x Clan Impersonation
10x Corruption
4x Embrace, The
1x Summon the Serpent
1x Form of Corruption
2x Temptation
8x Cryptic Mission
2x Seeds of Corruption
6x Whispers from the Dead

Action Modifier (6):
4x Form of the Serpent
2x Spectral Divination

Reaction (2):
2x Delaying Tactics

Combat (13):
2x Dodge
5x Tongue of the Serpent
6x Theft of Vitae

Retainer (2):
2x Charnas the Imp

Equipment (1):
1x Sport Bike

Total: 87