Deck: Sample Tremere rush deck
Creator: Xian
Concept: Fairly standard Thaumaturgy/Celerity mix.
Comments: In an attempt to keep it an effective rush deck, this construction
avoids using many of the larger vampires that have both celerity and thaumaturgy and
focuses on using celerity skill cards to boost vampires that already have thaumaturgy.
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2x Thomas Thorne
2x Merrill Molitor
2x Sarah Cobbler
1x Kalinda
2x Anvil
2x Blythe Candelaria
Average: 7.66, Worst: 37, Best: 22
Masters (18):
4x Blood Doll
2x Thaumaturgy
6x Celerity
1x Chantry
1x Barrens
4x Haven Uncovered
Action (12):
12x Bum's Rush
Combat (60):
3x Pursuit
10x Walk of Flame
15x Theft of Vitae
6x Sideslip
12x Flash
8x Blur
1x Blood to Water
5x Psyche
Total: 90