The Saloon has a couple of nights that cater (somewhat) to the kids in black.

What used to be called Resurrection Sundays and is now Echo is an 80's night that takes place on Sundays, and though the club is largely overrun by the regular clientele, there is usually space on the floor for the small group of darksiders that show up. Expect the Saloon's usual strong drinks, a large contingent of dancing (possibly grinding) men, and fairly standard 80's fare. Approximately 9 or 10pm to 1am on Sunday nights at The Saloon, no cover. Features DJ Panic, sometimes guest DJs.

Hard Monday is Minneapolis' longest-running industri-spooky dance night, and features the most innovation in its playlists as well. Currently, the trend is mostly towards synthpop (and has been for a while now), but there appears to be more change on the way, at least to some minor degree. Inevitably, this leads to a few weeks in a row where next to no one is on the dancefloor. On the other hand, it introduces people to new music, which isn't all bad. As per usual, the Saloon's strong drinks, mostly kids in black with a few gawkers, and the aforementioned music selection. Approximately 9 or 10pm to 1am on Monday nights at The Saloon, no cover. Features DJ Panic.

241 Tuesday at First Avenue used to have the Descent Triad (from Radio K, the U of M's AM radio station) spinning on the third Tuesday of every month, but I am unsure of the current state of that. Last I heard, it was random guest DJs from Radio K, with the Descent Boys being allowed in rotation.

There used to be a night called Last Exit at a bar in St. Paul on Wednesday nights, but it is no more.

Bondage A-Go-Go happens Thursday nights at Ground Zero, Minneapolis' largest spooky venue. The drinks are adequate at the bar, but may vary some, depending on which bartender you go to. I'm told that they are generally stronger at the bar in back or upstairs, as opposed to the front bar. But I wouldn't know, because I always go to the bar in front, because one of the bartenders makes a really good Tom Collins. More recently, larger events have been taking place at Ground Zero as well, thanks to Silent, including a show featuring And One and Covenant, and VNV Nation, Haujobb, and Stomkern. Ground Zero tends to attract (with its "go-go" dancers) more gawkers than any other night (with the exception of GZ's Saturday night) and more people interested in the slave/bondage displays upstairs and in back. At any rate, Bondage A-Go-Go tends to stay a little on the conservative side in music selection, but this keeps more people on the dancefloor, which is usually a good thing. Not that experimentation doesn't take place, but it's hard to tell without checking the playlists (which I could, but don't feel like bothering with the hard copy in the booth). 9pm to 1am on Thursday nights at Ground Zero, $5 cover.

Thursday nights is also the night for music at the Chatterbox Pub, and...stuff. More details will follow. Features DJ Rahna, DJ Noise, and currently frequent guest appearances by DJ Fenris.

Excessive 80s is the Friday night event at Ground Zero. Same bartenders as Thursday night, for the most part, and the music is pretty much what you would expect, though it is currently being billed as 80s and 90s, so there may be a few surprises here and there (most regular "surprise" is Blur's Boys & Girls). Fewer actual gawkers, but a large late-30s and early-40s crowd can show up at times, generally during the summer. 9pm to 1am on Friday nights at Ground Zero, $5 cover. Features DJ Chuck.

something something is Ground Zero's Saturday Night offering, but for the most part, it has pretty much the same format as Thursday night. Go-go dancers, bondage displays, similar music. DJ Panic frequently does some guest DJing. 9pm to 1am on Saturday nights at Ground Zero, $6 cover. Features DJ Chuck.