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John M. Krafft
Mon Feb 24 18:32:00 CST 1992
From: MIAVX2::JMKRAFFT "John M. Krafft" 24-FEB-1992 19:51:29.77
Subj: Re: Is Thomas Pynchon Gibson's Secret Love-Child?
X-News: miavx2 alt.cyberpunk:453
From: jet at (J Eric Townsend)
Subject:Re: Is Thomas Pynchon Gibson's Secret Love-Child?
Date: 23 Feb 92 03:17:46 GMT
Message-ID:<JET.92Feb22211746 at>
"Mark" == Mark Evenson <evenson at> writes:
Mark> a) Gibson read _GR_, dug its corporations but didn't concsiously
Mark> imitate it 1983-1984 (Mr Maddox?)
Gibson as said as much at ArmadilloCon in (pick any year there was a
c-word panel :-)
I'm desperately trying to find a tape I made of a panel Gibson was on
a couple of years. Gibson recited the first two sentences of a story
that he claims was inspired by Ballard. It was so... so... *Ballard*
it was uncanny. I wonder sometimes if Gibson could emulate anybody he
wished, but instead emulates little bits of lots of people and tosses
in some of his own twists.
At any rate, I'd love to know what those two sentences are. (I taped
them, so I don't have to memorize them, right? :-)
J. Eric Townsend - jet at - Systems Wrangler, UH Dept of Mathematics
vox: (713) 749-2126 '91 CB750, DoD# 0378
They don't need me here, and I know you're there / where the world goes
by like the humid air. -- They Might Be Giants
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