William Voelker zaphod at nic.gac.edu
Wed May 19 11:49:14 CDT 1993

I have to cast my vote for at least an ASCII _version_ to be  
	---It will allow for more users (for people who do not have  
access to the ``value-added'' text programs.
	---The readers can then do with the text what they will, with  
their *own* tools.
	---I have run across a couple of postings (on Project  
Gutenburg and somewhere on Usenet, the group name I cannot remember)  
from blind users who desired texts of novels, etc. in pure ascii.   
The electronic readers these users had only accepted ascii files.   
Why should we limit Net Pynchon to those of us who can see?  Is _GR_  
available in any format other than printed?

Another note: are any other of Pynchon's texts available on the net?

William J. Voelker
zaphod at nic.gac.edu

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