Just one word

Kevin F Crosby-1 crosb003 at maroon.tc.umn.edu
Fri Nov 19 08:10:36 CST 1993

I'm new here, and there's one thing that has been bugging me for a while, 
and that is the origin of the title _Vineland_.  I haven't read any 
definitive account of where it came from.  My two favorite ideas right now 
are related to the name Audrey Vinelander in Nabokov's _Ada_, and the Anna 
Livia Plurabelle chapter of _Finnegans Wake_, where the word Vineland 
appears (the word owlglassy is also in that chapter, I think it's 
"owlglassy bicycles").  

So has the source or reason behind the title been pinned down?
Kevin Crosby
crosb003 at maroon.tc.umn.edu

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