Greg Garwin ggarwin at u.washington.edu
Wed May 11 17:18:53 CDT 1994

>From (ERIC?, WILLOW?):

Author:         Pynchon-Thomas.
Title:          Nearer, my couch, to thee; the deadly sins: sloth.
Source:         New-York-Times-Book-Review.  June 6, 1993. p3. col 1. (Sun).
Abstract:       The religious and literary history of sloth, or laziness, is
                humorously analyzed.  The other six 'deadly sins,' plus
                despair, will be similarly analyzed by famous writers 
such as
                Joyce Carol Oates and John Updike in subsequent issues.
Column Inch:    50 col in
  Subject:      Laziness -- Addresses,-essays,-lectures.  Conduct-of-life --
ISSN:           0028-7806

Gregory Garwin <ggarwin at u.washington.edu>|  Outside of a dog, books are
University of Washington        HSB RR815| man's best  friend. Inside of
Ophthalmology RJ-10     Seattle, WA 98195| a dog, it's too dark to read.
(206)543-5792                            |               --Groucho Marx

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