Pynchon FAQ

Andrew Dinn andrew at
Thu May 12 03:12:36 CDT 1994

Jorn Barger writes (re setting up a Pynchon FAQ):

> I'll give it a shot, although my standards may be different from
> others'-- I very much want to avoid padding like boring lists of
> critical works.

I would be very happy with something similar to the Joyce FAQ.
However, I suspect there are many readers on the net who would
appreciate *some* reference to critical works/periodicals. I had to
post several requests to r.a.b and endure the ensuing flames before I
received anything useful and I have had three people mail me following
my subsequent Pynchon postings asking for pointers to literature. How
about a few good introductory books e.g. Tony Tanner's book or say a
mention of Pynchon Notes (substitute your favourite Pynchon periodical
here) to start people on the bibliography trail.

Andrew Dinn
there is no map / and a compass / wouldn't help at all

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