
Tue May 31 13:06:42 CDT 1994

In reference to Dana Borden's note on Thurn and Taxis, I too am interested
in what you develop.  There is a sidenote on a possible inspiration for
the Tristero (at least its more sinister aspect):  GRAVITY'S RAINBOW makes
several allusions to Fritz Lang's film DER MUDE TOD (aka DESTINY).  In the
film, a woman is given the chance to save her lover's life in three different
historical settings (death wins each time, natch).  One of the settings is
Renaissance Florence, where a courier with a vital message is dispatched only
to be set on and killed by a group of men in black capes and masks (not
unlike Porky Pig's anarchist from THE BLOWOUT).  The similarities to the
COURIER'S TRAGEDY and other manifestations of the Tristero are interesting
at least.

In addition, the recent discussions of VINELAND have me rereading the novel
again.  I hope the discourse will continue.

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