The Real V?

Bonnie Surfus (ENG) surfus at
Wed Oct 5 22:43:59 CDT 1994

By the way, Fausto was more than sane; he was insanely clever, 
insidiously manipulative.  And yes, the Bad Priest is V.--those pagans 
out there worshippin' women!  And she is dismembered--have you ever seen 
a goddess statue with a head?  It's rare.  Many believe taht along with 
church orders to destroy teh temples (many around 500 B.C.E.), they 
lopped off the heads, thereby killing their power; and in many cases, the 
figures were so idealized that they could then pass for male gods, so it 
was simple to fashion new heads.  AGain, I can go on and on (Recall  
Meryl Streep in 'Plenty"--"There will be days and days like this").


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