Farina autograph party

LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
Sat Apr 8 15:02:46 CDT 1995

Bob notes:
"I hadn't heard about the Farina autograph party before, but I doubt that
Pynchon, or anyone else, was at the Discovery Bookshop on Sunday May 1
celebrating the publication of Farina's book.  If the event happened at all,
it was as a wake.  Farina died in a motorcycle accident the night before, on
Saturday April 30."

Wasn't RF killed on his way from *another* autograph party?

Don Larsson, Manakto State U. (MN)

BTW, does anyone else agree that the film version of BEEN DOWN SO LONG (1971) is
one of the most atrocious adapatations ever committed on film?  I'm sad to say that
the producers were from my alma mater.  I recall an interview with them before the
film's release in which they noted that they really didn't care about or like the
novel too much, just wanted to make a movie.  (When something like that's done with
flair, it's one thing, when it's done with complete cynicism, it's another)

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