
John.Hamill at vuw.ac.nz John.Hamill at vuw.ac.nz
Sun Apr 9 19:04:36 CDT 1995

I have to agree with Andrew (I think?) on the vote for the movie of
BDSLIFLUTM as "worst adaption of a book for film" that I have seen
for a long time.  Aside from the wickedly silly blurb by Pynchon,
my edition says something like "Comes on like a thousand kazoos with
perfect pitch" or something like that... has anyone else noted a few
Kute Correspondences with GR?  Or do I get the spooky feeling that a lot
of you folks out there haven't read Farina's damned book and its just lurking on
shelves for the sake of the introduction?

1. Plastic Man makes a brief appearance.

2. Gnossis' "exempt" status sounds significantly like "preterition" in another

3. Talking about gnossis... gnostic mysticism... a thematic connection perhaps
 but also reflecting a mode of allegorical naming.  Gnossis can be seen as
being involved in a form of drug gnosticism which has many parallels in GR.

Of course the stylistic differences are huge... and the connections *are*
mostly thematic (Farina seems to be trying for a Joycean style for example).

J Hamill

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