Farnina and Pynchon

Andrew Dinn andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Mon Apr 10 12:57:53 CDT 1995

Michael G. Koopman writes:

> The knotting point?  Channeling four 'ere's?  Ben phonie,
> y'all bones bin funny, ratz your finger bounced.  snappy
> little concept WB cartoon bunnies been fuzzy, real fuzz-ie.
> That briar badger is snotty, ain't she; every Sunny doris
> warrent you commissioned?  (nay, lid cracked it, huh.)

> bing-oes bongs off,

I don't want to get totally anal about this but as I recall this list
is supposed to be for discussion of Pynchon. Now I know one ought to
allow a little latitude to correspondents since any half-decent
discussion has to avoid the subject at least half the time (those two
halves don't necessarily overlap). But I cannot for the life of me see
any relevance direct or indirect in the above note to the writings of
TRP. If Mr Koopman needs to masturbate in public that's fine by me so
long as his emissions serve to uncover some of THEIR invisible ink.
Unfortunately, his channels appears to be tuned to white noise.

Andrew Dinn
O alter Duft aus Maerchenzeit / Berauschest wieder meine Sinne
Ein naerrisch Heer aus Schelmerein / Durchschwirrt die leichte Luft

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