Farnina and Pynchon
Andrew Dinn
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Wed Apr 12 04:06:09 CDT 1995
Mascaro at humnet.ucla.edu writes:
> Well, let me ring in here by asking non-professor Dinn if he is
> serious in his belief that Mr. Koopman contributes "nothing"? If
> so, shouldn't we see the Koop as perhaps even more precious?
> Imagine the achievement! To actualize nothingness to such a degree
> that it can be contributed somewhere! Is this not, non-professor
> Dinn, quite a heck of an accomplishment? Since the invention of 0
> is a fairly big deal, then the continuing ability to create new
> zeroes must be also a positive thing.
You are conflating the concept of nothingness with its occurence.
Saying nothing about Pynchon is nothing new. Saying it in this forum
is otiose. Praising it is at best sophistry.
Andrew Dinn
O alter Duft aus Maerchenzeit / Berauschest wieder meine Sinne
Ein naerrisch Heer aus Schelmerein / Durchschwirrt die leichte Luft
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