Pondering Lot 49

Bonnie Surfus (ENG) surfus at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Mon Apr 17 10:24:47 CDT 1995

I'm pretty much in agreement with Greg.  Except that whereas Greg would 
just simpy nudge you in the direction of _V._, I will shove.  _V._ is 
still in contention with _GR_ as my favorite of Pynchon's novels.  _CL 
49_ is a good novel.  But in my opinion, it does not come anywhere near 
these other two.  If it is "accessible," I have argued, it's largely 
because it's brief and much more simplistic overall.  Still, a good story.

not much more to add.  EXcept to ask a completely irrelevant question.  
I've just finished reading Tim O'Brien's _Going after Cacciato_ and was 
just dumbfounded.  It was very impressive and even had a hint of magical 
realism or even a suggestiong of Pynchonian complexity.  Just wondered 
about other thoughts on the book.


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