
Michael G. Koopman koopman at
Tue Apr 25 12:05:22 CDT 1995

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN) whips up a quik Minnie sodie test
for ethnocentrism in measurably quantifying sector of world populus by

> Has anyone (now we're getting *really* obsessive) thought of
> checking out the Mormons?

Actually, I hat and what a wonderful coat check person she was.

> As you may know, they have one of the most complete sets of genea-
> logical records on the planet--all salted away in bombproof shelters.

Now your really raising a beaver dam about some vaulted dry and clean
associations with seasonal sprinklings, aren't you (dahhling [$4]).
Is someone a-a-wading delivery in largesse?  I'd state that in your
qwie Kwie quwhy kuwhat ... (drat!) low kiwi weight your stretching
this bridge too far, alas, sad to say, nyet in De-troise et?

> (The Mormons believe, as I understand it, that they can convert and
> thereby save the dead as well as the living, so they need to keep good
> records--a theme worthy of TRP himself!).

Hah!  I saw the movie - it was expectorant of a coffin moving ex-perot
ants thet' narly got my fingers caughed... kaf..kaf..kaf....

> Anyway, I believe that they're getting onto the internet, but I
> don't have any details at hand.

Well now, perhaps we should consider a ryder to adjust this billie, eh
mac call it there -- should want these flowers of multi-anarchaic
relations despoiling Our Land, huh.  We perhaps should stand up on a
ridge to toss them into defeat?  You get much better aim for missals
when you vault them from a-a-rigid platform.

Sins-shirley gherz-kins,

Mike Koopman internet: koopman at phone: +1-814-269-2637

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