V Pizza

*jason p.g. martin* jamartin at vaxsar.vassar.edu
Tue Apr 25 21:07:19 CDT 1995

>        Lot 49: ???
a lot 49 pizza would be kind of unorthodox.  Buttered crusts dipped in a
cheese fondue.  It's a stretch, I admit it. I really wouldn't figure Oedipa
as the pizza-eating type - no one to share it with - but she does go into a
pizzeria with Mucho.  Considering the scene, the lot 49 pizza would have to
be filled with rich chocolaty goodness.  The pan, possibly, lightly greased
with LSD.
HiHo. I'm hungry, oh well, back to work.

--Jason (not the Jason who's finished his thesis, but the Jason who has
less than two weeks to get his act together and churn out pages and pages
if he wants to graduate.  This Jason won't be getting a gift for his
advisor.  I think it is high time Jason's advisor had a visit from the
Shadow.  That Jason.)

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