Announcing the Launch of the Pomona Pynchon Page on the World Wide Web

Brian Stonehill Media Studies Pomona College BSTONEHILL at POMONA.EDU
Wed Apr 26 01:26:59 CDT 1995

Come one, come all, everyone's invited to check out the pizzazz, the good data,
and the fluff, the fun and games of the Pomona Pynchon Page on the World Wide
Web (sometimes known as P cubed over W cubed).

If you've got access to Netscape or Mosaic, even Lynx, check it out at

If you don't have that access...  well, ask for it!

Have fun, keep coming back (because some parts of it don't azackly run yet),
and don't forget to write, c/o WASTE.  (*you'll* see...).

Cheers,  Brian

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