(Fwd) Re: the Nietzsche quote

Michael G. Koopman koopman at ctc.com
Wed Apr 26 18:14:02 CDT 1995

It seems likely that "the bottom, but always, always there are 'other
agents'" perspective is glossed over widely by elocutionary bulb with
filament not rooted in clayey soils.  Silt would biomes might find
fractal signs reducing development to this pushy level where discord
and cat willows are copied in Dasein, such then "being" stone but not
of stone.  Sharing signs and chords provides always deeper levels of
meaning bracketed within certain contexts to outside computable Godel
spheres perhaps, yet then how does one metric uncertainty beyond this
level of refinement?  By-gass mon, ida know, do you supply invective?

Chip off top'o day tente,

Mike Koopman internet: koopman at ctc.com phone: +1-814-269-2637

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