Pynchon, Wilson, Reed

Thu Apr 27 15:30:44 CDT 1995

Padgett L. Arango writes:
"Besdies this, however, I see little the authors have in common.  Their
worlds are both paranoid, but I do not get a sense of Wilson's questioning
the nature of the paranoia, as Slothrop does.  I would be interested in
hearing what others feel on this topic."

I tend to agree.  Pynchon often takes back with one hand what he gives us with
the other, whereas Wilson (to my mind at least) seems much more straightforward,
albeit in a fairly lighthearted way.  I think Pynchon's conspiracy-theories are
closer to those of Ishmael Reed (whom, of course, he cites in GR), as in
MUMBO JUMBO.  Reed is at least sort of serious about the Atonist conspiracy, but
he's winking while he does it.

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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