Pigs and Blankets

LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu LARSSON at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
Tue Apr 25 10:11:12 CDT 1995

The recent exchanges about pizza and such reminded me of a favorite boyhood
book series starring Freddy the Pig.  Said pig can talk to people, puts on
baseball games and the like and has a coterie of interesting farm critter pals.
It's all rather enjoyable, but perhaps a tad too bucolic for postmodern tastes.
Sometimes, though, it reaches the bizarre.  In FREDDY THE DETECTIVE, Freddy
lures a hungry villain out of hiding by cooking bacon!  There is no apparent
awareness of the irony of this cannibalistic act.

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)


John (Jody) K. Gilbert
Department of English
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C. Canada
V5A 1S6
office phone (604) 291-5517
dept. phone  (604) 291-3136
internet     gilbert at sfu.ca

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