The reader trap of jailbait

krafftjm at krafftjm at
Sat Dec 23 14:16:13 CST 1995

Careful there: Bianca _isn't_ 11 or 12; she must be in her mid teens.  
She _seems_ younger to Slothrop, which tells us something about him and about
ourselves as readers.  (You may say the difference isn't very significant 
to the main question, but . . .)  See Bernard Duyfhuizen's essay in 
_PMC_ 2.1 (1991) on the reader trap of Bianca.


John M. Krafft, English                  | Miami University--Hamilton
Voice:  (513) 785-3142 or (513) 868-2330 | 1601 Peck Boulevard
Fax:    (513) 785-3145                   | Hamilton, OH  45011-3399
E-mail: krafftjm at

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