From the Cold World

Jhildt at Jhildt at
Wed Dec 27 20:46:23 CST 1995

Now don't go laying that V. for Victoria thing on me (although there's a lot
less ambiguity on that issue, in my opinion, than on the "big" GR questions).
I was simply expressing delight at learning that the fault line running under
Malta is named the Victoria Fault.  How appropriate.  A town south of
Valletta is named Paola to boot.  Since I just turned the last page of V.
yesterday I'm still formulating some conclusions, but the track of various
V's makes pretty good linear sense to me, fool that I am.  Although I was
surprised to learn that Stencil, the younger, was 55 in '56.  

Question for the field: Was V. Wren/Manganese/Bad Priest supposed to be his
mother? Sidney Stencil reports that Herbert was eighteen, eighteen years
after he had his run-in with Vicky in Florence.  Please, somebody.

By the way, it was jburgess who talked of scanning his Christmas gift, not
me.  But this is all "common knowledge," so he'll get the message.  

<. . . the pool, it's an inflatable three ring kind, goes all the way up to
my shins>.   

           I'm glad you could at least get your feet wet.  

       Later, mate        

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