stencil mom/circularity

Grant White ulgw at
Sat Dec 30 18:16:52 CST 1995

That's what I was hoping someone would say,
Lot 49, I feel was a precursor to John Barth's Story in "Lost in the 
Funhouse" where you can snip a margin off the page, glue it together with 
a twist and read forever, "Once upon a time there was a story that began 
once upon a time there was a story that began......"

What do you think of that looping image and Wernher's quote at the 
beginning of GR? Mandalas must end somewhere, and when viewed froma 
distance they look a little like a bullseye. I wonder if there was one 
atop the Orpheus?

--                                                                       -
Grant White                        |
Multi-media & Special Collections  |
Librarian                          | Internet:ulgw at 
The Central Coast Campus           |
Information Resource Centre        | Ph  (intl+61+43) 484026
University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA | Fax (intl+61+43) 484215

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