Koopman, again, again

Basileios Drolias b.drolias at ic.ac.uk
Tue Feb 28 07:54:17 CST 1995

Do you think that MGK may actually be TRP having a go at the list?
Maybe we can try phoning up and listening for background Spike jones ;-)

but seriously, 

I read V. recently for the second time, and I think the scene that struck 
me as the most odd one in the book is the one in which Profane visits his 
parents house just before he folowd Stencil and Paola. For me it sounded 
as if this was the real Tom Pynchon talking about himself (especially 
when further on in the same page he talks about Spike Jones) describing a 
mystic interaction with his parents home or a very "sweet" recollection 
of his mother (or of images of mothers feeding the world). What is  
known about Pynchon's parents? I certainly have never seen anything 
written about them. I also find interesting the presence of Slothrop's 
mother in GR - (same "sweet" type of recollection?). 


PS. Oh and what kind of parents are they, naming their kid Ruggles?! No
    wonder he uses names like Eigenvalue! 

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