Aliens or OWLiens

Bonnie Surfus (ENG) surfus at
Sat Jan 21 20:37:51 CST 1995

Hmmmm. . . . Jason chasing scene two finds "premature Brennschluss" and 
maybe "We will have to stop watching the sky."  Rewind.  Stop where 
system's morphing exxon going green same thing "History's serpent is one; 
what matter where on [H]her body we lie."

On Sat, 21 Jan 1995, Michael G. Koopman wrote:

> Bonnie Surfus, enjoy your deep insights of Fri, 20 Jan concluding on
> > The mechanized nature of the bird? That may be embellished.
> Other movies of Quebecois or Trident chewing more genre hack proudly
> twist such batons upon your thread's heading.  However, a stop light
> or two might exist between this nature of bird and snake, cordantly,
> and extrapolation to such avid fans being source for visionary images
> of fiery angels.  Quite a lot of difference has been scene two before
> increase tonnage can truck this pod into a full grown body snatcher,
> quite flatly.  Not that spot's light and farthings into docksiders are
> meaningless, they just don't draw such a crowd in as feathered sharp
> shooters and nikon colorimetry sans big pond nets, discuss hitters
> without a dish bounce slow, reading?  Burn on the side of a hill?
Yeah, burn cause He is in luv like Lydon and She lives In a Time of Her 

And snake is a healer >

and a killer.  And it can form ceInter x at gruskians, ops a call.berry, inter 
ruskians - Helios down lower - 
more wax > and more feathers cause more man made bird brains to eat octo,
> pussies.  Murderous crows out pies when cell-den empire non-comm?  Big
> batteries and less scramlets, too?  Not nice to pull annies tail end.
> >From Rush Limbaugh with laughs.

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