Improved Pynchon Mail Archive

Andrew Dinn andrew at
Sun Jul 2 06:52:34 CDT 1995


I have finally got round to flexing my fingers in the direction of WWW
and have produced some scripts to process the pynchon-l mail archives.
So, if you access my web page you should be able to view the last 3
archived folders (1994, Jan-Apr 95, May - Jun 95) displayed in
summary, showing only title, poster and date sent. From the summary
display you can then browse each mail note in a page of its own.

The folder parser is not incredibly fast at displaying the mail notes,
especially the ones at the end of a.5 Mb of folder, but it is a damn
sight quicker than trying to download the whole 1.5 Mb of text from
the Pomona page. Hope you all give it a spin and enjoy browsing the
collected wisdom of the list. Here's the URL, instructions on the cover

Andrew Dinn
O alter Duft aus Maerchenzeit / Berauschest wieder meine Sinne
Ein naerrisch Heer aus Schelmerein / Durchschwirrt die leichte Luft

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