Flesh Eggs

erik burns erikburns at tpone.telepac.pt
Tue Jul 18 06:35:57 CDT 1995

Hello all...first time post, but have been paying attention for a cupla weeks.
Thought I'd start off safe and join the reading list debate:

Have to agree with Harold Poskanzer (who I believe went to the same high
school as I) that The Illuminatus! Trilogy is worth dipping into -- the
whole point of the reading list question, anyway, is not to find books that
are exactly like TRP's (why bother...we have his) but ones that in their own
ways either address similar themes or are in some way influenced by (or hold
influence on) the man.

For that both of Gaddis' masterworks (The Recognitions and JR) are tops.
And for a great companion to those, try to find a copy of Fire The Bastards!
by Jack Green (blv it's in print from The Dalkey Archive).

Also: I put in a good word for U.K. poet/novelist Iain Sinclair.  Some of
this tough going but Downriver handles paranoia and conspiracy beautifully.
And it's set in the London docklands.

question: anybody know of good background sources on the V2 rocket
development program? Either actual sources used by TRP or just good history
books that would give this bit of GR a bit more (har har) depth?  Would
appreciate some hints.


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