
Lajeanna I. Bernier LBernier at
Wed Jul 19 14:35:38 CDT 1995

     Well, just to throw my own meager pennies into the forum, has anyone 
     on the list ever seen any of Dusan Makaviyec's (sp?) work?  
     Particularly "The Sweet Movie"
     I will not attempt to provide a synopsis - but it's the closest filmic 
     equivalent to the spirit of GR I've ever found.
     DM's work is worth a look for anyone pynchon-phile - His latest work 
     is called "Gorilla Bathes at Noon" and concerns a Russian soldier left 
     in East Germany after the collapse of communism.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Movies
Author:  <LARSSON at> at Internet_TCO
Date:    7/19/95 1:49 PM

Aaron writes:
"I love the list of possible movies TRP would have spent his time
watching--I would add Coppola's "Apocalypse Now" not because it
influenced TRP but because I have often found it derivative of GR's
approach to the chaos and surreality of a war zone.
just my $.02"

It also deliberately derives from its source--Conrad's HEART OF DARKNESS, but
then HOD is background for just about anyone of a certain age--and he
influenced Eliot too!

BTW, since Aaron signs off with a quote from Garcia Marquez, does anyone know
if GGM has mentioned reading Conrad's NOSTROMO before writing ONE HUNDRED
YEARS OF SOLITUDE?  There are some remarkable parallels (as well as profound
differences) between the two.  And just to take us back to movies, note the
names of the space freighter in the first ALIEN film and its escape pod--
the Nostromo and the Sulaco (setting for Conrad's novel)!

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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