Big Books

jporter jp4321 at
Sat Jul 22 18:42:34 CDT 1995

While it is well worth sitting at the feet of a great writer or thinker
(Nabokov, e.g.) and listening to him or her "relate" to great books, as a
performance in itself, "teaching" literature, especially by the typical
professor, beyond the introductory level, should not be encouraged in any
formal or required way. Books, etc., should be made available, and sharing
of ideas and feelings encouraged. Those works  that delight will be
appreciated. It matters not if they are appreciated as cheap trash, or if
they are appreciated for their sublime portrayal of the human condition.
The value of literature, and all the creative arts is determined by the
devotion and enjoyment of the audience(s).

Critiquing, explicating, using a creative work as a platform to launch into
a philosophy of personal, social or cultural reality is a gas, and well
worth the price of admission. Open forums for such discussions should be
encouraged as worthwhile ways to enjoy life and eachother. Those not
inclined to participate, should neither be expected to participate, nor to
help subsidize the process.

Those who can afford to pay for "experts" to "instruct" them in the meaning
or historical context of "works of art,"  and, "experts" who can actually
get people to pay them for instruction in the "art of appreciation" should
engage in such transactions outside the academy. The academy should be
concerned with teaching people to become competent. Beyond competency,
everything should be elective.  If someone can make a living by "teaching"
elective topics, I would consider that person an artist. If someone is
willing to pay another for instruction in such appreciation, or techniques
of critical thinking, etc., let the buyer beware. The value of the
commodity should be determined solely by what the buyer considers it to be
worth. The academy should not formally mediate such transactions. Doing so
accelerates the process of embalming the more pleasurable aspects our

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