(Fwd) Re: 1984. in China.

Aaron Yeater AYEATER at ksgrsch.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 27 15:10:44 CDT 1995

>A-and here's the cheap parting shot without which this note would be
>incomplete. Even when we have the economic liberty to exercise our
>speaking rights in an informed way in a forum of our choice that still
>doesn't mean we are at liberty to change the powers (them?) that
>tolerate privileged, blinkered, liberal gadflys like ourselves, does
>it now.

but, before we liberals get to feeling too high-and-persecuted by the 
always-everywhere-and-always-not-noticed system, don't forget the 
otherside of the pynchonic mandala--that the system, that "They" 
might very well be a fiction of my imagination, a dream, a hallucination, an 
"escape" from this ordinary world into a paranoia in which 
responsibility is avoided by becoming the victim at the center of 



"For Beauty is naught
    But the beginnings of terror"

                    -Rainer Maria Rilke
                     "Duino Elegies"

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