Ms.Wanda (fwd)
Bonnie Surfus (ENG)
surfus at
Sat Jun 17 13:19:41 CDT 1995
Icouldn't recall if I'd forwarded this or not. I wonder if it's of interest?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 18:33:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bonnie Surfus (ENG) <surfus at>
To: "John M. Krafft" <jmkrafft at>
Subject: RE: Ms.Wanda
looking at this letter, I think of the BEckett influence--part. in
_Molloy_ where we read:
. . . in winter, under my greatcoat, I wrapped myself in swathes
of newspaper, and did not shed them until the earth awoke, for good,
in April. The Times Literary Supplement was admirably adapted
to this purpose, of a neverfailing toughness and impermeability.
Even farts made no impression on it. I can't help it, gas
escapes from my fundament on the least pretext, it's hard not to
mention it now and than, however great my distaste. One day I
counted them. Three hundred and fifteen farts an hour. After
all it's not excessive. Four farts every fifteen minutes.
It's unbelievable. Damn it, I hardly fart at all, I should never
have mentioned it. Extraordinary how mathematics help you to
know yourself (_Molloy_ 30)
kind of interesting, esp. considering the PYnchon/Times associations.
I was going to post this generally, but wasn't sure if the letter came
with the article and didn't want to expose you in terms of some kind of
ethical twist.
Thanks again.
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