less is more

LOT64 at aol.com LOT64 at aol.com
Thu Jun 22 21:17:27 CDT 1995

In a message dated 95-06-22 14:49:36 EDT, you write:

>	The critics have few problems with GR, but almost nobody
>can say anything half intelligent about Lot 49 or V., which make
>much harsher demands on our imaginations and critical capacities.


Your post is filled with very interesting points.  Now I am going back to
re-reread LOT 49.  Perhaps the reason GR "doesn't really leave much to the
imagination" is due to the response you detail above. If they missed the
point there, they're definitely not going to miss it here.  Even if GR does
restate its points obsessively and didactically, the prose is often
hauntingly beautiful and the radical and dizzying rapid-shifting of
point-of-view and temporal sequence are marvelous to behold.  As a reader. I
feel I'm always scrambling to keep up and am often left sitting in the dust
going "wha?"

Anyway, I'm not sure I agree but really enjoyed reading what you had to say.

                                 Ron Churgin

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