Less is More...

Bonnie Surfus (ENG) surfus at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Mon Jun 26 05:33:20 CDT 1995

Regarding "epiphanies," I suppose I agree with Chris and Jan. I think.  I 
recall understanding that the only epiphany in CL 49 was getting to know 
(for the reader) what the title referred to.  

The Tristero/WASTE issue--they are manifestations of Oedipa's (as I get 
your reading) mind that help her deal with a lack of consensus and 
resistence, an essential tension, seems likely and I guess I had this in 
mind as I read.  but this did not dismiss the possibility of an acutal 
Tristero and an acutal WASTE.  That, because it's Pynchon, because it CA, 
and because reality is, after all, a construction.  


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