Malcolm X

Basileios Drolias b.drolias at
Fri Jun 30 03:24:01 CDT 1995

Hallo all,

After reading Gravity's Rainbow for the third time some months ago, I had 
the feeling that there wassomething missing from the discussions in this 
list (or at least the discussions that I have witnessed over teh past 
year or so): Race issues in Gravity's Rianbow.  I could 
somehow sense throughout reading the book that one of the main subjects 
that keep repeating themselves throughout the book is the black-white 

In the `Who is the Kenosha Kid' discussion that we had about a month ago, 
somebody suggested that in Malcolm X's autobiography M. X, appears as 
`The Kenosha Kid'. I finished reading the biography yesterday, and 
although I did not find any mention of the Kenosha Kid  (I think...), I 
found out a few things, (obscure I have to admit) that are related with 
things that appear in Gravity's Rainbow. (It may be the fact that I am 
usually looking for TP influences everywhere, but it certainly felt a bit 
stronger  in the book). Among them are: Malcolm X sticking his head down 
a toilet and flushing, thoughts of malcolm X, about why do white men 
prefer black prostitutes (remember Major Murvy?), talk about English 
60-70 year old old-farts who want to be `dominated' (Pudding and Domina 
Nocturna?) and more. Orson Welles, (the Kenosha Kid) appears also in the 
biography in a parallelism of his `men from Mars' show with the tv show 
`the hate that hate produced' (is the Kenosha Kid a reference to Malcolm 
X then?)

I would be quite interested to find out if there are any things written 
anywhere about race issues in GR or in the influence of Malcolm X in 
Gravity's Rainbow. If any of you have read the autobiography do you agree 
that there could be some patterns that appear in GR?

tell me what you think



Hi wa Ri ni katazu
      Ri wa Ho ni katazu
            Ho wa Ken ni katazu
                  Ken wa Ten ni katazu.

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