thank you alex haley

Brian Stonehill Media Studies Pomona College BSTONEHILL at POMONA.EDU
Fri Jun 30 10:09:13 CDT 1995

Responding to Basil's question about race in GR, Lindsay Gillies asks,

>does TP use the more literal black/white issues to
>dramatise an overarching concern with a Manichean
>metaphysics, or are the metaphysics a gloss on the 
>literal situation he's concerned with?

If you look at "The Secret Integration" in _Slow Learner_ or at "A Journey into
the Mind of Watts" from the _New York Times_, it's unavoidable that it's the
latter (assuming we're willing to risk excluding the middle...)

As for Basil's original question, the narrator's speculation of what might have
passed had Jack Kennedy's and Malcolm's eyes met across the shoeshine stand at
the Roseland men's room implies that the two men might be matched giants in the
psychic American landscape for our author.

Couldn't help thinking about TRP during yesterday's docking of the Russian Mir
and American Atlantis space shuttles overhead.  Why is it that They still are
afraid to tell us what Mir means in Russian?  (Hint: Tolstoy's biggest novel is
called"Voina y Mir.")

Cheers,  Brian

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