"Vineland" and "Neuromancer"

Andrew Dinn andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Thu Mar 2 09:41:47 CST 1995

Timothy C. May writes:

> I'm not a Gibson partisan, and even skipped a party in Oakland that he
> was supposed to be at, but I think "Vineland" owes a bit to
> "Neuromancer," Gibson's 1983-4 seminal novel. As lots of others have
> noted, the whole "ninja woman" ("DC"?...don't recall her name, sorry)
> theme in "Vineland" looked like it was influenced by the "Molly"
> character in Gibson's works. (Molly? Hmmhh, does this mean Gibson is
> Joyce?)

I have not read `Neuromancer' but I have read the Elektra comic series
which introduced wide-screen ninjette into US comic-books circa
1984-5. Following Timothy May's lead I could claim that Pynchon was
"influenced" by `Elektra' rather than/instead of Gibson. If this kind of
"influenza" is to prove anything more than a rash of previous symptoms
each as temporary as the next then you need to cite something less
tangential as a cause.

Andrew Dinn
there is no map / and a compass / wouldn't help at all

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