cyberpunk & the GR movie

Curiouser and Curiouser plarango at COLBY.EDU
Mon Mar 6 00:11:49 CST 1995

>>I think that _CL49_ is the only book short enough to make a decent movie
>Ya, but I'd love to see a 27-hour Gravity's Rainbow movie...every scene
>incorporated intact.
>>and it should be directed by Nicholas Roeg
>>(_The_Man_Who_Fell_to_Earth_, _Track_29_).
>Ummm...remember the last book adaptation he did?  _The Witches_?  I don't
>think I would entirely trust the man to do _CL49_.  Likewise with
>Russel(at any time in his career)  They both seem to have so strong a
>worldview that it would likely come into conflict with Pynchon's.
>Not that I can come up with better suggestions...Jeunet & Caro,

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