
Jody Keith Gilbert gilbert at sfu.ca
Thu Mar 9 15:09:32 CST 1995

> It's probably just me, but...  Has anybody else on this list recently
> received a message from the anonymous re-mailer in Finland?
> Stuart

When you respond to a message routed through that anonymous remailer,
it automatically assigns you an anon id.  That may be the case here.
It seems possible that because of the way pynchon-l is set up, everyone in
the group may be assigned an anon id.

Auto-W.A.S.T.E.--sort of.


John (Jody) K. Gilbert
Department of English
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C. Canada
office phone (604) 291-5517
dept. phone  (604) 291-3136
internet     gilbert at sfu.ca

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