Deaths in GR

Alec W Mchoul mchoul at
Sun Mar 12 04:52:31 CST 1995

In a posting to listserv.govdoc-l, Peter Giordano writes:

"Now, the summary of GRAVITY'S RAINBOW requested by Michele:
     You see there's a direct link between the bombs hitting London
     and Tyrone's over-active libido and an even more direct link
     between the V2 rocket and Tyrone (the doctors who experimented
     on baby Tyrone are now making the rocket); anyway a lot of
     people die and Tyrone changes identity so much that by the end
     of the book you're not sure if he's not dead too. Oh, yeah,
     you and all the readers of the novel also die (I'm not
     Peter Giordano (pgiordano at

I responded as follows:

Can I ask you about that phrase, "a lot of people die"?
Like whom?
Who dies?
Can you give me a list?
I can think of one - and one only, more-or-less for sure.
If you have more than one, you're doing better than most.

So here's a nice puzzle for Pynchon sleuths: who dies in GR, to be sure?
The great John Krafft knew straightaway when I called him.
Do you?

Alec McHoul


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