Deaths in GR

Tim Ware timware at
Sun Mar 12 13:47:54 CST 1995

Let's see:

Brigadier Pudding (p. 533 - Viking)
Dr. Kevin Spectro (p. 138-39)
Lyle Bland  (p. 591)
Peter Sachsa (p. 152; 220


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ timware at
If you are dealt a lemon ... play lemonade - CD-ROM DOS

On Sun, 12 Mar 1995, Alec W Mchoul wrote:

> In a posting to listserv.govdoc-l, Peter Giordano writes:
> "Now, the summary of GRAVITY'S RAINBOW requested by Michele:
>      You see there's a direct link between the bombs hitting London
>      and Tyrone's over-active libido and an even more direct link
>      between the V2 rocket and Tyrone (the doctors who experimented
>      on baby Tyrone are now making the rocket); anyway a lot of
>      people die and Tyrone changes identity so much that by the end
>      of the book you're not sure if he's not dead too. Oh, yeah,
>      you and all the readers of the novel also die (I'm not
>      kidding)."
>      Peter Giordano (pgiordano at
> I responded as follows:
> Can I ask you about that phrase, "a lot of people die"?
> Like whom?
> Who dies?
> Can you give me a list?
> I can think of one - and one only, more-or-less for sure.
> If you have more than one, you're doing better than most.
> So here's a nice puzzle for Pynchon sleuths: who dies in GR, to be sure?
> The great John Krafft knew straightaway when I called him.
> Do you?
> Alec McHoul

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