(Fwd) Re: Deaths in GR
Alec W Mchoul
mchoul at csuvax1.murdoch.edu.au
Mon Mar 13 19:24:19 CST 1995
I figure Tim Ware is right about Bianca.
There doen't seem to be anything definite on her dying.
In _Writing Pynchon_, David Wills and I use this question (is she/isn't
she) as a way of highlighting the overall undecidability of GR.
The crucial sentence is:
...Slothrop will think he sees her, think he has found Bianca again ...
he will see her lose her footing on the slimy deck ... he will lunge
after her without thinking much, slip himself as she vanishes under the
chalky lifelines and gone. (491)
Apart from the weird tense and the fact that this is marked as something
Slothrop only "thinks", there's another obvious ambiguity. That is you
can read the final bit of syntax as "slip himself ... under the chalky
lifelines" or else as "she vanishes under the chalky lifelines".
The full discussion is on p31 of _WP_.
Is this much use?
Alec McHoul
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