I Reed Slam

Richard P. Muller rmuller at invitro.usc.edu
Thu Mar 16 11:52:40 CST 1995

Okay, I'll bite. I am currently 7/8-th through my first reading of GR,
and I haven't noticed any references to Ishmael Reed or MF Beal. There
is, of course, a great deal I've missed in this reading, and after I
recover from it (long days of bed rest reading schlock) I'm going to
start again. Where are these plugs?


    Richard P. Muller rmuller at invitro.usc.edu rpm at wag.caltech.edu
 My computer beat me at chess, but it's no match for me at kickboxing.
	  Have you learned how to think, or how to believe?

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