What's this about a Pynchon conference in Dublin?

John M. Krafft jmkrafft at landru.ham.muohio.edu
Tue Mar 21 07:52:21 CST 1995

I just heard a rumor there would be a Pynchon conference in Dublin sometime
around Easter.  Nothing more.  Does anyone know more?


John M. Krafft, English                 | Miami University--Hamilton
Voice:   513-863-8833, ext. 342         | 1601 Peck Boulevard
Fax:     513-863-1655                   | Hamilton, OH  45011-3399
E-mail:  jmkrafft at miavx2.ham.muohio.edu
         jmkrafft at miavx1.acs.muohio.edu

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