www page-pynchon bio
Aaron Yeater
AYEATER at ksgrsch.harvard.edu
Wed Mar 29 08:09:39 CST 1995
re: pynchon bio.
if you don't mind conversing with one of america's stranger
academics, try contacting Khachig Tololyan at Wesleyan University.
(try ktololyan at wesleyan.edu, but no guarantees he's technologically
competent). He's the former editor of pynchon notes, and a great
guy, terrifically bright and very friendly, but real busy, so you
probably have to keep after him. he's met pynchon (he doesn't know I
know that--sorry to be so mysterious but...w-well...) , and has a lot
of bio info, that don't remember from the post-war american fiction class
i had with him just a few years ago...
on another topic--has anyone ever put any of pynchon's song lyrics to
music? i am always trying to work out rhythms in my head as i read,
and most seem to be ironic turns on genre--blues, big band, hardcore,
psychedelic (sp?), british music hall, etc. if i had any
compositional talent and was really bored, it would be a terribly
interesting project (perfect for all you experimental music majors at
small new england liberal arts colleges...)
anyway...tanks fer yer time and efforts
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Slanty."
-Homer Simpson
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