OKC and other bombs

Michael G. Koopman koopman at ctc.com
Mon May 1 12:40:23 CDT 1995


Good reading (albeit depressing) and a fine example of deconstructive
literary technique hinging on context.  Speaking of hinges, it does
seem that revolving glass doors are more pertinent to populus than
glass ceilings, generally; aye, zero growth?  Let's hope that doesn't
apply to corn or wheat bounty, or, yikes fast lane toward third world.

Does Unabomber evolve from Pynchonese lit-crit dabblers?  If so how is
crit lit significant to such development?  Do writers make monsters?
Should more modern artists attend Dr. Spock's latest seminar regarding
how nurture effects our nature?  Shall we develop a scale of potential
side-effects from published works defining levels of internal training
publishers must provide editors and critics based on canon?  Or should
printing houses be allowed to rip off sheets without such a metric
(anti-Americanism scale?) applied.  What level requires confiscation
of publishers property?  What if a detective novel helps a crack
cocaine street dealer?  Complicity?

(non)thoughtfully yours,

Mike Koopman internet: koopman at ctc.com phone: +1-814-269-2637

No, it is not heresy - TV made OKC scene a circus days ago.

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